Stories as a Springboard to Deeper and More Engaged Learning

Photo copyright Story Preservation Initiative.

What Does Engagement Look Like?

SPI has developed a unique approach to student engagement and activity-based learning.  It all begins with a story - and then we add the perfect touch of magic.

Cover art & 1st-page mock-up of David Carroll’s unpublished manuscript, Turtle’s Journey.

After listening to Story Preservation’s original audio recording of naturalist, artist, writer, and MacArthur Fellow David Carroll, and reading his book Year of the Turtle, students, shown above, became immersed in a nature-based study of vernal pools and the organisms that inhabit them. Reptiles, amphibians, and macroinvertebrates – oh my!

In addition to listening to David’s recording, reading, and field study, students involved in SPI’s Learning Lab were given the unique opportunity to complete David’s unpublished (and unfinished) children’s book, Turtle’s Journey. David generously made his manuscript available to Story Preservation for upload to its Learning Lab website. The only restriction that he imposed: the student’s addition to the manuscript had to be well researched and based in fact. No fantastical endings allowed!

A student in one of the participating classes was so taken with the project that he wanted to write a research paper on David. The teacher contacted SPI, and here’s what happened:

Teacher: One of my students wants to do a research paper on David Carroll.

SPI: I have an idea. What do you think about David speaking directly to this student about his work? I’ll ask him if he is willing to videotape a message. If you agree, can you give me a little bit of background? What is the student's first name and age?

Teacher: That would be amazing! His name is Kaleb, and I told him that you were going to talk to David about his paper. It made his whole face light up! Wow, that would be so awesome! He's ten and very interested in wildlife, conservation, and nature.

SPI: He said yes! [The video was made and forwarded to the teacher].

Teacher: Please thank David for us! If you could have seen the look on Kaleb’s face when he saw the video - it honestly brought tears to my eyes. Kaleb hasn't had a lot to smile about these days, but when he left today, he said, "Mrs. King, I just can't stop smiling. My face is starting to hurt!" What an impression David left on him and on the other kids too. This has been extraordinary!

Click here to watch the videotape that David made for Kaleb. Run time: 2:41

While we can’t promise a personal videotape and unfinished manuscript from a MacArthur Fellow and National Book Award finalist, SPI is ready, willing, and able to bring that extra touch of magic into classrooms. We’re available to work with schools to help teachers understand the best use of the tools that we provide and explore ways to go the extra distance. Interested? Contact us at

And here, from a middle school student involved in an SPI project:

“I think personally that this class is the greatest. I think this class is a wonderful idea, and I don’t want to stop doing this. It has inspired me to be a naturalist. I love being in this group, and I don’t want it to end.”

Story Preservation Initiative makes its work available to all K-12 students and educators free of charge.

SPI has developed two Learning Lab projects: Our “Storytelling Learning Lab” is appropriate for students in grades Pre-K through 3, and our “Learning Lab” project is suited for students in grades 4-12, with an emphasis on grades 7-12.

Our Vision: Story Preservation Initiative believes in the transformative power of story to connect people around our common humanity and create a better future. We value generosity, diversity, inclusivity, and equity in our stories and in our outreach, exploring and illuminating the deepest levels of human potential.

Our Mission: Story Preservation Initiative is a leading producer and online distributor of original, content-rich stories for K-12 students. Our open-access stories and educational materials are used by educators around the world, engaging the hearts and minds of young people to foster curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Please consider making a donation - in any amount - to help us keep the stories coming. To make a tax-deductible donation, click here.

Look for more Above and Beyond stories in the months ahead.

To access SPI’s Learning Labs, go to